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  • Writer's picturechristine lee

Art day with friends! (pic heavy)

My friends and I went to the Atlanta Botanical Garden this past weekend! I wore my dress, which I designed myself.. Will post about the dress in the future.

I wanted to share the collective painting that my friends and I are working on together. Everyone is welcome to add whatever they want. Here it is!

I also have worked on several other paintings this day, and had an art night to myself! Here is me at home, working on my art. I also wanted to show my face paint from that day! I made the flower crown myself.

Below is a painting that I've been planning on for a while. Here is the progress so far. I'm not done yet, but like how it's turning out.

So I gave my friend Kristen this watercolor block, and told her to draw whatever she feels like.. I loved the flower mandala patterns she came up with! I added the small mandala you see to the left, and also some water lilies in the foreground... & colored it all in with watercolor! I love collaborative works. Here's the progress on it.

And here's just a doodle I did! More to come on this later:

I painted this several weeks ago, but added just the white highlights! It looks pretty finished to me, but I am contemplating adding some glitter for more sparkle...

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