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  • Writer's picturechristine lee

Kandi cat ears w/ hearts (pattern)

I recently learned how to make kandi cat ears using this tutorial. Check it out here!

I figured it would be cute to put hearts on the insides of the cat ears. So through some trial and error, I came up with these heart patterns!

I had a lot of fun with these so far. I also made ones for my friends that have stripes! It's subtle in the photo, but the outside of the ears are in pink & orange in rows of 3, and the inside are in clear & yellow alternating rows. I think it'd be so much fun to come up with all kinds of new variations.

I created a pattern template, in case you want to make your own using this design. The template has both the heart and stripes, but you can decide to omit the stripes if you'd like:

I hope someone out there finds it useful. Let me know if you try it yourself! I'd love to see your creations. Or, if you came up with other patterns, I'd like to see those too! It's fun to share ideas.

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